Spring is here and it is the season that represents new life and growth, with all the blooms, pollen and at my house, the baby spiders in the corners of the ceiling.

Out with the old, in with the new

Similar to how people make resolutions and create goals at the onset of the New Year, spring has its own rituals, where we deep clean our homes.  We wash walls, clean out closets and tackle house hold projects that have piled up over the previous few months.  We spend a good week, renewing and refreshing our environments.


New Year, New You Follow Up

If you made any resolutions or set goals at the beginning of the year, the 3 month mark is a good time to evaluate and measure progress.  Also, it is still early enough in the year to make changes and in some cases, brand new goals.

I’m sure some of you have found that despite your best efforts, old habits are hard to get rid of, and have resurfaced, hindering your progress.

If so, do not worry, it is still possible to finish the year on the other side of your resolutions by doing a little spring cleaning of those habits.

It takes the right activities, done consistently over a period of time to see change.  If you are just busy and not productive then you will never reach your goals.  Here is a list of mental goal blockers that you may need to work on in order to see progress:

Bad habits – habits are activities that we do with little or no thought.  If you are not conscious of your habits, then they can undermine your efforts to change.  The process of growth requires, absolute mindfulness of your actions.  The key is awareness, so if habits are the culprit – you can identify them and replace them.  Some people find it helpful to keep a log of daily activities, writing down every action in 15-30 minute increments to identify patterns that impede productivity.

Fear – is a real barrier for a lot of people when it comes to goal achievement.  The belief that there will be a negative consequence if they are successful, is enough to provoke self-sabotage.  The best way to deal with fear is to face it and uncover how the fear was established. Then debunk it by identifying the false information at the core of the fear.

Negative Self-Image – self-image is how we REALLY see ourselves and there is a direct correlation between self-image and success.  If we are trying to change or grow, our self-image has to be in alignment with that vision.  Listen to your self-talk to see what you really think about yourself.  You have to believe that you are worthy of that goal before your subconscious will work to achieve it.

“In winter, I plot and plan.  In spring, I move.” Henry Rollins. 

Once you identify the goal blockers, put together a plan to overcome them quickly so you can get on your way to success.

3 Comments on “Spring Cleaning: Bad Habits and Goal Blockers

  1. Great stuff Annena, love this! 🙂

    I love your idea of spring cleaning our habits and evaluating our new years resolutions and goals. As you say, this is a perfect time to do so.

    Habit forming can be difficult, but focussing on just one or two things at a time can help prevent the process from being too overwhelming.

    Loving the content, keep doing what you’re doing 🙂

    PS – On a related note, I’m on the hunt for feedback for my new show The HERO Podcast! It’s all about creating healthy habit. The episode with Derek Doepker may be of interest to you where he discusses how to make lasting changes. You can check it out (and maybe leave a short review if you like) here: http://apple.co/2kjNoGN


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